Irazpira24 is an unmanned business and prior to your first visit an introduction can be booked if you want but there are instructions available in each room before use.
Remember to put your phone on mute, have a discrete wake-up call, use a mellow tone of voice and listen to music etc in your own headphones. If the curtain is closed in rooms 4,5 and 6 it means occupied.
This is a place for peace and quiet, kindly be respectful towards other visitors.
Wear soft, comfortable clothes, sportswear for example and empty your pockets before lying/sitting on bed/chair. Thank you.
All treatments and appointments take place under your own responsibility.
Before Infrared light therapy
- Drink a lot of water before and after your session as well as during if you are thirsty. Tip! Flavor your water with cucumber, lime, lemon, ethereal oil, berries or other fruit. We recommend avoiding carbonated beverages as it increases strain on the cardia.
- Do not consume alcohol in connection with your visit.
- Have only a light meal or snack before your visit. A large and heavy meal can produce discomfort and it is suitable to wait 1-2 hours. Fasting is fine but please bring some fruit etc in case of low blood sugar.
- View IR treatment as a workout for the body so allow yourself time to recover afterwards.
Bring with you for a visit at irazpira24
- Water bottle
- For the sauna a towel to sit on and potentially another to wipe off sweat
- For the IR-sauna tunnel you will need a smaller towel to put on neck/chest, two larger towels/sheets to lie on in the tunnel (approximately 2 meters long)
- clean underpants or swimming trunks if you are to sit in the sauna or lie down in the sauna tunnel
- preferably arrive freshly showered but dry.
- For the Moxa back massage bed, a bath towel can make the massage softer the first few times
- Note that we are not able to offer showers on site.
- Start with a lower temperature and shorter session around 20-30 minutes at first and when you are accustomed to infrared heat you can book a longer session with higher temperature as well. It is of course intended to be a pleasant experience.
- You can use IR treatment one or two sessions per day if you would like, for example when in pain or if you are working towards a specific goal with your health.
- When issues are long term continuity is important, more sessions at first and then maintain one or two times per week.
- It can be some time before your body is accustomed to IR sauna and it can be 2-3 sessions before you start to sweat. This is completely normal.
- Preferably stretch arms, legs, neck, back etc during your IR visit, it can increase your body's flexibility and reduce stiffness. While you are sitting in the sauna you can massage stiff and “knotty” muscles.
- After your sauna sessions you are going to sweat and it is wise to relax, just like you would after a massage or intense workout. You can cool off by flushing your wrists in cool water and by taking a shower when you get home.
- You will likely empty your bladder slightly more than usual after a session in the sauna/tunnel.
- Consult your doctor before you make an appointment if you are suffering from heart disease and/or diabetes. These conditions can be fragile when exposed to heat and therefore extra important to use lower temperature and shorter sessions. Just as you most likely are more careful on a hot summer day
- The infrared light rays are operational even at temperatures similar to the body’s, however to sweat helps clearing out waste products from the skin.
Heat guide
What temperature you should choose is dependent on what you find pleasant but also for what purpose you are using IR light therapy. We are all different but as a rule of thumb, one can say that -the higher temperature, the shorter the session- for desired result. Remember to start off easy and hydrate properly, before and after a session and during should you be thirsty. If you are using higher temperature and sweating properly, it can be beneficial to use a natural and balanced mineral addition.
35-40 degrees Celsius suitable for rest/sleep/recovery/relaxation
Fits well for a person extra sensitive to heat, or if you want to rest several hours on the IR carpet. Regular use encourages good sleep.
Time: Up to 9 hours
At Irazpira24 we can presently offer up to 90 minutes per session on the IR carpet in room 2.
40-55 degrees Celsius is suitable to encourage lymphatic and respiratory systems.
Time: Maximum of 2-3 hours but do start with lower temperature and shorter time if you are inexperienced.
At Irazpira24 we can presently offer up to 90 minutes per session on the IR carpet in room 2.
In the sauna tunnel (room 1) it is good to start low with 43° slowly increase. The heat here is concentrated on the small surface around your body.
55-65 degrees Celsius suitable to limber up and relieve pain in muscles and joints, to de-stress, lighten mood and contribute to deep relaxation
Time: 30-90 minutes, 1-2 times per day. In the IR-sauna it is preferable with 30-45 minutes once per day.
65-70 degrees Celsius suitable for the one that wants to sweat properly, combustion, metabolism and detox as well as lymphatic system.
Time: 30-60 minutes on the carpet and 15-30° in the IR sauna.